Thanks to those of y’all that pointed out the typos – they’re gone now. 😉

If you were find yourself in a not so small suburb in Texas today, you just might find yourself near my home.  If you were to go inside, you would find three people that live there along with a not so small poodle.  I love my home and I love the two people that I live with.  We enjoy being together and doing things together.

When I think of my home I think of days that start a couple hours before the sun rises.  I think of quiet times in the morning when we each take up our little corners and spend time in the Word of God.  I think of evenings that end with a few minutes in prayer.

When I think of my home I think of time in the kitchen making old standbys or experimenting with new dishes.  I think of time around the kitchen table in the evenings when we share tidbits of each other’s day.

To me, though, home is more than just a place with a few people.  Home is a feel.  The person who coined cliché, “Home is where the heart is,” was spot on.  To me home is a place of peace and quiet.  A place understanding.  Home is a place where you feel free to show your full personality in ways you wouldn’t be comfortable elsewhere.  A home is colored by love with accents of lots of laughter and a few tears.

Another Home comes to mind, too.  This Home is like nothing you or I could ever being to imagine.  This Home is characterized by love as well.  A love that loved us in spite of all of our failures, rebellion, and shortcomings.  Dwelling there is the Creator of the Universe and the countless people that were adopted into His family.

Earthly or Heavenly, home is unlike any other place.

[Note: I’m very accustomed to writing with pictures, so hopefully y’all won’t mind if I slip one into my posts every now and then. 🙂 ]